SALGADO, Eneida Desiree. Lei de Acesso à Informação. 2. ed. São Paulo: Thomson Reuters Brasil, 2019. v. 1. 304p .
A bold legislation, the Access to Information Law appears to bring transparency to the administrative performance of public entities, state agents and entities that receive public money. In response to the past, the Law also provides instruments for accessing documents from the military dictatorship. The opaque mentality of the Brazilian bureaucracy, political class and society, however, tensions the application of its provisions, and, some years after its validity and threatened by setbacks, the Access to Information Law has not yet found its full implementation. Its potential, however, remains untouched.
There were no legislative changes in these eight years of the Law. Its regulatory decree, in its time, was significantly altered, including provoking an insurgency of the Legislative Power to stop articles that contradicted the fundamental right of access to public information. Active transparency, open data, adequate response to requests, control over the classification of information are still deficient, despite the appropriate legal framework. In contrast, state legislation has progressed in those years. States have created solutions to fulfill the constitutional requirement of advertising, transparency and control, with different results.
In times of authoritarian threats across the globe, the set of provisions of the Access to Information Law allows citizens to bring about the democratization of Public Administration, its visibility and social control. There is still room for its development: the creation of a state and federal authority, outside the structure of the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary Powers, could, by providing resources for denials of access and by monitoring compliance with the law, promote more effective effective access to clear and intelligible public information. The Law that is there, however, is a good start to promote the public exercise of public power.
SALGADO, Eneida Desiree. Reforma política. São Paulo: Contracorrente, 2018. v. 1. 79p .
In accessible language, the author observes how some political reforms have been implemented in order to remove the people from power, while other democratization and political renewal initiatives are not implemented. In the author's own words, eternal political reform is a means of change to avoid change.
SALGADO, Eneida Desiree. Administración de las elecciones y jurisdicción electoral: un análisis del modelo mexicano y una crítica a la opción brasilera. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, 2016. v. 1. 248p .
SALGADO, Eneida Desiree. Princípios constitucionais eleitorais. 2. ed. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2015. v. 1. 288p .
The book develops the five constitutional electoral principles that form the constitutional structure of Brazilian Electoral Law. Electoral authenticity, freedom to exercise the mandate, the necessary participation of minorities in the public debate and in political institutions, maximum equality in the electoral dispute and specific legality in electoral matters are presented as the fundamentals of validity of the rules of the democratic game.
From them, the hypotheses of ineligibility, the abuses of the electoral process, the regulation of propaganda and the Brazilian electoral system are examined and the unconstitutionality of the jurisprudential construction of the “party mandate”, the imposition of party fidelity, the district system, is affirmed. a barrier clause and the rules of the Superior Electoral Court. The work intends to systematically expose the fundamental structure of Electoral Law, extracted from the Constitution, a criterion for electoral legislation and for judicial decisions.
SALGADO, Eneida Desiree. Lei de Acesso à Informação. São Paulo: Atlas, 2015. v. 1. 232p .
A republican and democratic state requires transparency and ample publicity from the Public Administration, in all its spheres. Although the 1988 Constitution established a design capable of, normatively, ensuring the social control of the Public Powers, the administrative and political practices and the mentality of the agents were obstacles to the full application of the constitutional precepts, implying the permanence of the opacity of the Power. The Access to Information Law comes as a flashlight to shed light on the work of the bureaucratic body, political representatives and private entities that receive public resources, with a solid normative framework capable of publicizing the Public Authorities. Citizens have their right of access to information fully regulated and guaranteed, but they must use it. The work deals with the debates in the construction of the law and analyzes its provisions one by one, seeking to collaborate for the construction of a vigilant and participatory citizenship.
SALGADO, Eneida Desiree. Princípios constitucionais eleitorais. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2010. v. 1. 277p .
The work develops the five constitutional electoral principles that form the constitutional structure of Brazilian Electoral Law. Electoral authenticity, freedom to exercise the mandate, the necessary participation of minorities in the public debate and in political institutions, maximum equality in the electoral dispute and specific legality in electoral matters are presented as the fundamentals of validity of the rules of the democratic game. From them, the hypotheses of ineligibility, the abuses of the electoral process, the regulation of propaganda and the Brazilian electoral system are examined and the unconstitutionality of the jurisprudential construction of the 'party mandate', the imposition of party fidelity, the district system, is affirmed. a barrier clause and the rules of the Superior Electoral Court. The work intends to systematically expose the fundamental structure of Electoral Law, extracted from the Constitution, a criterion for electoral legislation and for judicial decisions.
SALGADO, Eneida Desiree. Constituição e Democracia - Tijolo por tijolo em um desenho (quase) lógico: Vinte anos de construção do projeto democrático brasileiro. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2007. 280 p.
Overview of the discussions that took place in Brazil after the overthrow of the military regime. Based on concepts worked only by national indoctrinators, the author brings a narrative of the struggles for direct elections for President of the Republic and for a new Constitution, which reflects the new idea of society inspired by democratic values.